Housing First and Permanent Supportive Housing Models
Using a Housing First (HF) approach to housing means that people entering our case management program do not have any barriers to being housed. Though we have sober homes, all of our homes do not require treatment or medication before entering our program. There have been numerous studies proving the effectiveness of this type of intervention. HF is found to be extremely successful in helping people retain stable housing. Permanent supportive housing means there is no time limit on a person’s stay in our program. Following their experience as a KHOC resident, people do often move into other self-sufficient housing situations.
The HF and PSH model has shown to decrease new homeless episodes, hospital stays, use of public services, emergency calls, arrests, untreated mental health symptoms, and substance use. People who experience this model see better success in employment, academia, financial security, and general stability that leads to a better quality of life.