Your donation of any amount is greatly appreciated, and tax deductible. You can make a donation via Credit or Debit Card, or PayPal account via the DONATE button. The DONATE button also allows for automatic monthly donations, which are especially helpful for our program planning.
Or you can make a check payable to “Kitsap Homes of Compassion”,
and mail it to:
Kitsap Homes of Compassion
247 4th St
Bremerton, WA 98337
Kitsap Homes of Compassion (KHOC) is a tax-deductible IRS 501c3 non-profit organization. While the monthly fees paid by the participating men and women living in the homes pay some of the monthly cost of renting a house and paying the utilities, there still are costs that are not covered by their participation fee for the services they receive. Therefore, we must raise donations in the amount of $100/mo per person to cover these costs. Would you consider “adopting” one of our residents with a monthly donation? Would you consider becoming a monthly supporter of $25/mo, $50/mo, or $100/mo?
There are various expenses KHOC must cover. For example, when a room is vacant after a house is leased by KHOC (while waiting for new residents to be screened by KHOC, and there are empty rooms), or in between residents, then KHOC must pay from donations those costs to hold the room vacant. There are administrative and bookkeeping costs. There are case management costs. There are some insurance costs that are not fully covered by the residents’ fees. The residents’ monthly fee is intentionally made affordable, below fair-market rates for a comparable room, in order that people living on the minimum social security payment can afford to live in the house.
The one-time security deposit required by KHOC in advance to lease a home (and last month’s rent in some situations) is not fully covered by the refundable security deposit collected from the participants, and we must prepay the first month rent. The total one-time cost needed to create a permanent affordable home for 3 to 6 residents is approximately $10,000 (Of course, compared with cost of constructing a new 5-plex building, this cost is minuscule). We must receive donations to cover these one-time cost for every home we start.
Can you help us financially to keep KHOC’s services to Kitsap growing? Together we can put an end to unnecessary homelessness in Kitsap County.
Your donations will allow us to expand our housing service to more community members experiencing homelessness!
We appreciate donations of all kind. We’d like to thank Cross Creek Storage for generously donating a storage unit for us to use to keep donated furniture and linens that help new residents have a place that feels like home.